Book Bundles and a Yoda Take-n-Make Craft Kit
Throughout the Month of May in honor of Star Wars!
May 1 2021, 2:30 pm - May 31 2021, 3:30 pm
May 1 2021, 2:30 pm - May 31 2021, 3:30 pm
Throughout the month of May, Brussels Library will offer science and space themed book bundles for kids of all ages. In honor of Star Wars Day (Tuesday, May 4) Brussels Library will add in a Yoda Take-n- Make craft kit to the book bundles. Staff will pull 10 to 15 titles for kids and 3 to 5 titles for teens, bundle them in a bag, and schedule a pick up appointment with you. Please note you will need a green marker to complete the project, but the library supplies the rest of the materials in a kit. The “Take-and Make” craft kit is suitable for 7 years old and up; younger children will need assistance.
Registration Information
To order, email Brussels Library at or call 02.280.9868 (CIV) or 314-597-9868 (DSN). Include your name, the number of book bundles/craft kits you would like to order, plus the genders and ages of the kids.
Brussels Library-
Brussels Library
Military DSN (314)597-9868