An official army family and MWR Site
There are no events scheduled on January 11th.
January 12th
Story Time

Enjoy stories, rhymes, and songs at the library.

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
January 12th

Get creative at the library!

2 pm - 3 pm
January 12th
January 13th
Cook N' Tell

Come together with other cooking fans to pick out a cookbook and recipes for a shared meal.

11 am - 12 pm
January 13th
January 14th
Brussels Library Book Club

Connect with fellow book lovers and discuss monthly selections.

11:30 am
January 14th
January 15th

Enjoy puzzles for all ages at the library.

11 am - 6 pm
January 15th
Barbell Class
4 pm - 5 pm
January 15th
January 16th

Create, experiment, build, and invent!

11 am - 6 pm
January 16th
January 17th
Soldier & Family Readiness Training


January 17th