- Amenities
- After hours bookdrop
- Areas for working or lounging
- Tours (upon request)
- Reference help in person, by phone, or via e-mail
- Language resources
- Travel guides
- Community book swap
- Cake pan collection
- InterLibrary Loan
- Free Wi-Fi
- Equipment
- 4 Computer workstations
- Black & white printing
- Photocopier
- Device charging station
- Access Your Brussels Library Account Online
Army MWR Library just unveiled a new circulation system which can be reached at:
We recommend that all patrons visit their garrison library to update their login credentials for this new system. Once login credentials are updated, patrons can renew checkouts, reserve physical items within the Army MWR Libraries system, and pick items up at their home branch.
- Register for Online Resources at the New DoD MWR Libraries Web Site
Click here to access the new DoD MWR Libraries web site or copy and paste this URL:
https://www.dodmwrlibraries.org/** Please note that eligibility for access to content is per DoDI 1015.10. For more information on who is covered, please visit the site.
- Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a library cardholder?
Stop by the library and register for your library account. You will need a military or civilian ID card.How can I get to the library website?
Army MWR Libraries just unveiled a new circulation system which can be reached at:
We recommend that all patrons visit their garrison library to update their login credentials for this new system. Once login credentials are updated, patrons can use the online account access to renew physical-item checkouts, reserve items from Army MWR Libraries located in Europe, and pick them up at their home branch.Please note that this site is for you to manage physical items from our library and inter-library loans from other locations. To access online resources (e-books, e-magazines, e-audiobooks, movie streaming, online research and business resources, etc.) please see the answer to "Can I download e-books, e-audiobooks, or e-magazines to my phone or tablet?" below.
May I check out books, movies, and CDs together?
Yes, you may borrow books, DVDs, BluRay's, audiobooks, and video games at the same time, but there are the following limits for these types of items:DVD's and/or BluRay's: 10 items checked out simultaneously.
Games for Gaming Systems: 2 items per gaming system checked out simultaneously. (I.E. You may borrow two Switch games and two PS5 games simultaneously.)
Books and/or Audiobooks: No limit.
For how long may I check out items?
All items can be borrowed for a period of three weeks. You may renew items two times through your online account or ask library staff to assist with renewals.How can I order items from other libraries?
You may borrow items from Army MWR Libraries in Europe. You may ask the library staff for assistance in placing holds. You may also place them yourself from any PC or mobile device once you have registered for access to your account.What happens if I lose a library item?
When a patron is responsible for losing an item, only the owning library may determine if the item must be replaced or if the loss is waived. If the item is to be replaced, the transaction will take place with the owning library. In accordance with AR 735-17: Accounting for Library Materials, compensation must be made for lost or damaged library materials. Army libraries are not authorized to accept monetary compensation for lost item, only equivalent replacement materials; for example, a hardcover book must be replaced by another copy that is also a hardcover.Can I download e-books, e-audiobooks, or e-magazines to my phone or tablet?
Yes! It's possible to download to both your phone and your tablet. Downloadable audiobooks, eBooks, and e-magazines are available via vendor apps. The DoD MWR Libraries website has step by step instructions and troubleshooting. Click on "How Do I...?" at DoD MWR Libraries.How can I help my children succeed in school?
Regular visits to the library to check-out books will encourage them to love reading. Reading together is the best way to raise a reader. Reading skills are critical to academic success and life-long learning. - ICE Comment Card: Your Feedback
How are we doing? What are we getting right and what can we do better? Rate your experiences with our services. Fill out an Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) Comment Card and share your feedback.
Whether you love reading, learning, or trying new things, Brussels Library has resources and staff to help you and your family at the level that is right for you. We are more than just books. We offer life-long learning through online resources, events, and a variety of library collections. Experience the joy of discovery here that includes plenty of activities for individuals and families.
Staff are here to connect you to the information you need. When it comes to technology training, financial literacy, language learning, travel research, job hunting, test preparation, homework help, navigating stages of life, or investigating small business resources, we can help you reach your goals. Feel free to drop in, call, or send us an e-mail.
We look forward to seeing you soon and often!