If you are looking to establish a Private Organization for your non-profit mission, look no further. We are here to help you!
Private organizations play an important role in creating a positive community environment and improving the quality of life on Army installations. Private organizations offer a wide variety of valuable activities and services, which provide avenues of support, esprit de corps, relaxation, and social interaction, which would not otherwise be available. All individuals living and/or working on our installations are encouraged to participate in recognized private organizations.
Private organizations are separate from the installation and are therefore not entitled to the immunities and privileges given to government entities, nor are they endorsed by the Army. They may receive only limited government support. Private organizations are operated on a financially and operationally self‐sustaining basis.
Government personnel who become members of private organizations do so in a capacity that is separate from their official government work. They may not use their official position to influence the work of a private organization. Neither soldiers nor civilian employees will be assigned to work for private organizations as an official duty.
Before operating within the USAG Benelux, private organizations must request and receive written permission from the Garrison Commander.
Private organizations will submit requests to conduct fundraisers to the DFMWR Private Organizations Coordinator through the "email us" link on this page, at least 30 days prior to the date.
For more information on the process of becoming a Private Organization and Fundraising, please review the Private Organizations & Fundraisers Guidance.