- Entries will be judged on creativity and style.
- There is no theme.
- There are two age groups: Children/Tweens, ages 8 to 12 and Teens, ages 13 to 18
- 1st, 2nd,3rd place, and honorable mentions will be awarded to each age group.
- Winners and honorable mentions will be contacted by phone or email and their works will be displayed online and in book form or by May 09, 2025.
- Winners and honorable mentions will receive a copy of their winning works in book form.
- The USAG Benelux – Brussels Library 2025 Young Poet Contest book will be implemented into our book collection for patrons to check out.
- Participants can type or write their poem (just be sure we can read it).
- Electronic submissions will be accepted. Don’t forget an entry form.
- Entry forms are available at Brussels Library and HERE on our website.
- Entry forms must be signed by a parent or guardian to confirm that it is ok for the child, tween, or teen to participate in the poetry contest.
- Submitted poems will not be returned. They must be printed neatly or typed. Make sure it's legible.
- Poems will be judged by original content, style, vocabulary, and creative artistic expression.
- Content should be appropriate for Children, Tween, and Teen audiences.
- Participants may email an electronic copy of their poem and the entry form to usarmy.brussels.library@army.mil OR bring it in person with an entry form at the library.
- Poems submitted in person without the form will not be considered. Make sure to attach the completed form.
- The last day to submit entries is April 11, 2025.
Through Friday, April 11, Brussels Library invites Children, Tweens, and Teens in our community to create a poem and share it with us.
It’s easy to enter the Library’s Young Poets contest. Just write a poem and enter to win a prize.